This book is a single source, concise presentation of what pilots should know about basic aircraft systems. The content reflects the author’s more than thirty-five years experience of flying and fourteen years of teaching Aircraft Systems to university students.
Aircraft Systems for Pilots includes a brief study of the fundamentals of physical matter (from which airplanes are made) and mechanics (how airplane parts act and react). The author provides sufficient study of each type of system to allow the professional pilot to stay abreast of the critical learning which must occur as the pilot advances into management of more complex aircraft.
Subject covered include physics, aircraft engine types and construction, reciprocating engine theory of operation, engine lubrication and cooling, propellers and governors, fuels and fuel systems, power management, supercharging and turbocharging, pressurization and high altitude operations, electrical principles, electrical components, aircraft electrical systems, hydraulic systems and landing gear, pneumatic and deicing systems, aircraft structures and flight controls, weight and balance, inspections, pilot maintenance, and aircraft instrument systems. Illustrated throughout, study questions conclude each chapter and includes index.
In print for more than 30 years and continually updated through the years, this 4th Edition continues to serve as the comprehensive college textbook for pilots learning aircraft systems.
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這本書簡單地介紹了飛行員應該了解的基本飛機系統。 內容講述了作者超過 35 年的飛行經驗和 14 年向大學生教授飛機系統的經驗。
飛行員飛機系統包括對物理物質(製造飛機的材料)和力學(飛機部件如何作用和反應)的基本原理研究。 作者對每種類型的系統進行了充分的研究,讓專業飛行員能夠及時了解隨著進入更複雜飛機的管理階段而必須進行的關鍵學習。
涵蓋的主題包括物理學、飛機發動機類型和結構、往復式發動機運行理論、發動機潤滑和冷卻、螺旋槳和調速器、燃料和燃料系統、動力管理、渦輪增壓、高空運行、電氣原理、電氣元件、 飛機電氣系統、液壓系統和起落架、氣動和除冰系統、飛機結構和飛行控制、重量和平衡、檢查、飛行員維修和飛機儀表。
已印刷 30 多年並不斷更新,第 4 版繼續作為飛行員學習飛機系統的大學教科書。
**訂單將於 1 - 2 個工作日內處理並確認(不包括週末和假日)。 送貨時間將根據產品性質和不同地區的送貨狀態而有所變化。 發貨前會發送一封電子郵件以作通知。