The FAA s Airplane Flying Handbook has been required reading for all pilots for over 40 years, and introduces the basic pilot skills and knowledge essential for piloting airplanes. It benefits student pilots just beginning their aviation endeavors, as well as pilots preparing for additional certificates and ratings or who want to improve their flying proficiency, and flight instructors engaged in teaching pilots of all skill levels.
This handbook provides information and guidance on the procedures and maneuvers required for pilot certification. Chapters are dedicated to ground operations, basic flight maneuvers, slow flight, stalls, spins, takeoff and departure climbs, performance and ground reference maneuvers, airport traffic patterns, approaches and landings, flight training basics, transitions to different types of aircraft, emergency procedures, and much more.
The latest edition expands and updates the material that has always been a key reference in the FAA s testing and Airman Certification Standards (ACS), and it incorporates new areas of safety concerns and technical information such as loss-of-control upset prevention and recovery training, and transitioning to light sport airplanes (LSA).
The Airplane Flying Handbook is the official FAA source for learning to fly and for many of the test questions in the FAA Knowledge Exams for pilots. Complete with chapter summaries and illustrated throughout with detailed, full-color drawings and photographs, it also includes a glossary and index."
**Orders will be processed and confirmed within 1-2 working days (excluding weekends and holidays). Delivery time will vary among products and delivery status of different districts. A notification email will be sent before shipping.
FAA 的飛機飛行手冊 40 多年來一直是所有飛行員的必讀書籍,它介紹了駕駛飛機所必需的基本飛行員技能和知識。它對於剛開始航空事業的學生飛行員非常有幫助,也有利於準備獲得額外證書和評級,希望提高飛行能力的飛行員,以及從事教授各種技能水平飛行員的飛行教官。
本手冊提供有關飛行員認證所需程序和操作的資訊和指導。 章節專門介紹地面操作、基本飛行動作、慢速飛行、失速、旋轉、起飛和離場爬升、性能和地面參考機動、機場交通模式、進場和著陸、飛行訓練基礎、過渡到不同類型的飛機、應急程序 , 以及更多。
最新版本擴展和更新了 FAA 測試和飛行員認證標準 (ACS) 中關鍵參考的材料,並包含了新的安全問題領域和技術信息,例如失控故障預防和恢復訓練,並過渡到輕型運動飛機 (LSA)。
《飛機飛行手冊》是 FAA 的官方資源,用於學習飛行和 FAA 飛行員知識考試中的許多試題。 完整章節的摘要和詳細會有全彩圖紙和照片說明。
**訂單將於 1 - 2 個工作日內處理並確認(不包括週末和假日)。 送貨時間將根據產品性質和不同地區的送貨狀態而有所變化。 發貨前會發送一封電子郵件以作通知。