The Seventh Edition of Dale Crane’s Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms contains more than 12,000 accurate, aviation-specific terms and definitions. This ultimate reference collects all of the terms in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, glossaries from FAA handbooks, advisory circulars, the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) and Pilot/Controller Glossary, as well as definitions not found in government publications. This new edition accounts for the continuing evolution of aviation and aerospace industries, to include drones, commercial space and urban mobility.
New terms and definitions for weather products, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), human factors, and aerodynamics have been added, and terms pertinent to dispatchers and airline operations such as ETOPS and ADS-B. Nearly 500 illustrations further define and aid visual recognition of the terms, and useful tables and lists are included in appendices.
This comprehensive dictionary is an essential reference book for anyone involved with aviation and space organizations — administrators, pilots, maintenance technicians, drone operators, colleges and universities, air traffic controllers, manufacturers, engineers, government agencies, airlines, and corporate flight departments —as well as newcomers to the industry, and those who speak English as a second language.
Copyright © 1991-2021 Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Dale Crane 的第七版航空術語詞典包括了 12,000 多個準確的航空專用術語和定義。 這本書籍最終參考收集了聯邦法規第 14 篇中的所有術語、FAA 手冊中的詞彙表、諮詢通告、航空信息手冊 (AIM) 和飛行員/管制員詞彙表,以及政府出版物中沒有的定義。 這個新版本說明了航空和航天工業的持續發展,包括無人機、商業空間和城市交通。
增加了天氣產品、無人機系統 (UAS)、人為因素和空氣動力學的新術語和定義,以及與調度員和航空公司運營相關的術語,例如 ETOPS 和 ADS-B。 近 500 個插圖進一步定義和幫助了解術語的視覺識別。有用的表格和列表包含在附錄中。
版權所有 © 1991-2021 Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.
**訂單將於 1 - 2 個工作日內處理並確認(不包括週末和假日)。 送貨時間將根據產品性質和不同地區的送貨狀態而有所變化。 發貨前會發送一封電子郵件以作通知。