The people in Aero Alliance Pilot Shop are real av geeks, even our alarm clocks have some elements of aviation in them. Here we present to you, an alarm clock disguised as an altimetet.
These alarms have lights built in them. Simply press the 5 o'clock position on the glass, it will light up, just like what you would expect from an altimeter on night flights -- only this time you will be flying in your bed!
It beeps, it lights, it wakes you up from your sleepz. Get your altimeter alarm today!
*This product is not an actual altimeter and is not airworthy. QNH settings cannot be changed*
**Orders will be processed and confirmed within 1-2 working days (excluding weekends and holidays). Delivery time will vary among products and delivery status of different districts. A notification email will be sent before shipping.
**訂單將於 1 - 2 個工作日內處理並確認(不包括週末和假日)。 送貨時間將根據產品性質和不同地區的送貨狀態而有所變化。 發貨前會發送一封電子郵件以作通知。