About Me:
Ontario got its name from the Iroquois word, “Kanadario” meaning, “sparkling water.” One sixth of the province is covered by pure, freshwater lakes and rivers – 177 390 km2! This is the most populated province in Canada with over 14 million people. Ontario’s capital Toronto is the largest city in Canada and a major industrial center. The Nation’s Capital Ottawa is also in Ontario. The further North one travels, the cleaner the lakes, more abundant the wildlife and fewer the people. Just watch out for moose on the road!
Whether you drape it over a sweater or tuck it into a coat, this pure-wool tartan is proudly woven in Scotland and manufactured in Canada. Each province in Canada has its own unique tartan that is a classic statement of our proud heritage. 100% merino wool provides warmth on the coldest of days while the unique Ontario tartan pattern adds a touch of heritage.
Product Details:
- Made in Canada
- Dry Clean
- Measurements: 12″ x 58″
**Orders will be processed and confirmed within 1-2 working days (excluding weekends and holidays). Delivery time will vary among products and delivery status of different districts. A notification email will be sent before shipping.
安大略省得名於Iroquois單詞“Kanadario”,意思是“蘇打水”。 全省六分之一的土地被純淨的淡水湖泊和河流所覆蓋, 大約177 390 平方公里! 這是加拿大人口最多的省份,人口超過 1400 萬。 安大略省首都多倫多,是加拿大最大的城市,也是主要的工業中心。 國家的首都渥太華也在安大略省。 越往北走,湖泊越乾淨,野生動物越豐富,人越少。 但要小心注意路上的駝鹿!
無論您將它披在毛衣上還是將它放進外套中,這款純羊毛格子在蘇格蘭編織並在加拿大製造。 加拿大的每個省都有自己獨特的格子,這是我們引以為豪的傳統經典宣言。100% 美利奴羊毛在最寒冷的日子裡提供溫暖,而且獨特的安大略格子圖案增添了一絲傳統。
- 加拿大製造
- 乾洗
12 英寸 x 58 英寸
**訂單將於 1 - 2 個工作日內處理並確認(不包括週末和假日)。 送貨時間將根據產品性質和不同地區的送貨狀態而有所變化。 發貨前會發送一封電子郵件以作通知。